I find minimal value in the USERS - Last 30 days plot., but find immense value in the Azure Insights Session History over N days. To me, this provides more potentially actionable information. Consider importing this data into a plot
Home > Session graph: Session History over N days
Thank you for your suggestion @.... I'd be happy to put this on our backlog.
Just to understand this better, if you're talking about actionable information, what actions do you take from this specific overview?

Session History is helpful to me to confirm current and (past) peak concurrency. I have users spanning 4 time zones working 7 days. This graph shows me past and expected utilization. It also may indicate how many support calls I might receive.
I understand, thanks for the clarification. Instead of using the 'USERS - Last 30 days' plot, did you also have a look at the auto-scale history report?
We have included this report to assist in finetuning your scaling logic and capacity planning. Please let me know what you're missing from that report.
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