I started with NMM and have no NFA images. Thus valuable space on my NMM webpage goes wasted. Permit me to hide this section perhaps via a checkbox on the Settings Page.
Hide NFA Images
Hi Mark, great question!
You can disable "NFA Migration Mode" at the account level in settings\Portal to hide that section in Desktop Images.
Take Care!

Permanently deleted user
I am running NMM 3.10.1
I don't have this Section in my vesion of the portal
Hi Mark,
Please send those details into nmm.support@getnerdio.com so they may review. Please Include all relevant screenshots as well.
For what it's worth, we don't have the NFA migration mode option in any of our NMM accounts on v3.10.1 either.
We've never used NFA, but didn't know there was an option to turn off that feature.

Permanently deleted user
ok-just submitted reference to this page and a screen shot to support
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