Dehydration of onedrive cache from fslogix profiles

A need for a feature (may be in the Scripted actions) to "Dehydrate onedrive cache from fslogix user profiles". 

Explanation: Onedrive per user usually provides around 1 TB for users whereas fslogix by default provides 30 GB. If the user makes files from onedrive locally available, then the fslogix profile completely fills up.
Therefore, there is a need to dehydrate the onedrive cache (which actually makes the "locally available files" back to "Online-only"). This new feature in addition with the fslogix profile shrinking, would make sure the fslogix profiles are not bloated.


Comments (5 comments)


I know Microsoft lets us handle this issue with an Intune Configuration Profile or GPO.
Would either of those work in your environment(s)?

Meer Rahil Ali Khan

Thanks for the quick response, Dave. We will give a try with any of those, and see if that works. I referred the GPO article and the Option#1 in the articles looks promising. I can comment after we implement that.

Thanks again! 

Meer Rahil Ali Khan

Lets say, the storage sense is setup for once per day for rehydration of onedrive cache. But we would definitely be in a scenario wherein fslogix user profiles are unmounted from AVD at the time storage sense runs once per day. 

Do you think there is any solution for that?

I believe that is one of the reason, I suggested, may be we need a "Scripted action - Azure runbook" in nerdio, wherein - "AT THE TIME OF FSLOGIX USER PROFILE MOUNT/UNMOUNTS" to the Virtual desktop, the runbook does the storage sense's job of rehydration of onedrive cache from the fslogix profile??

Could you please let me know your views on it.

Gido Veekens

Thanks Meer Rahil Ali Khan and DStephenson, those are interesting suggestions. I understand the challenge with the scenario of Onedrive filling up the FSlogix profile. For Intune joined session hosts, it's quite easy to deploy a configuration profile which does this. But I understand a more granular approach is demanded. I'll do some research and put this on our backlog.


I know this is an older post, but there was recently THIS Azure Academy "STOP Copying Files in AVD! DO This Instead:" video where he talked about this very thing of cleaning-up OneDrive files.
In the video, he referenced THIS blog post that has a way to clean-up OneDrive files for AVDs.

I haven't personally tried it, but it looks promising. 🙂


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