Microsoft GA announced the use of Azure Files / FSLogix / and Azure AD Join
I am sure we are all excited for this to come to Nerdio and since you have a big push to build out Intune on NMM. Managing the VM's on Intune through NMM would be great!
Timeline Update - AADJ - AF - FSL
Just realized there was no question format.
Do you know when this might be implemented into NMM?
The only problem with the Azure Files/FSLogix/AADJ is the requirement for AD/Hybrid Users.
Definitely a step in the right direction, but cloud-only AVD is still a dream in the distance.
All that being said, we're running Azure Files/FSLogix with Kerberos Auth and AAD AVDs without any of the issues of using blob storage/cloud cache.
It just requires manual (or scripted) configuration of Kerberos and FSLogix.
That's right, Dave. Thank you for clarifying that users must be AD/Hybrid users. Nerdio Manager allows you to use blob storage & cloud cache instead.
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