Ran into a roadblock when we were trying to optimize a system for a client.
Client has an application that uses a file-based database that is very I/O intensive. We are currently using an ultradisk on another vm and share it to the AVD Hosts, this seems to get the performance we are looking for but adds quite a few extra costs.
I brought up using a shared ultradisk mounted to each host instead which should function almost identically to the current solution (if not better performance as the other vm would not be needed).
I got through writing the runbook to auto mount the disk at creation of host but ran into the error that the AVD hosts are not in a specified availability zone for the ultradisk to be able to attach.
In Azure when creating a new hostpool you can set the hosts Availability Zone, which should allow the ultradisk to mount and meet our wants but do not see this option in Nerdio.
Can this functionality be added to Nerdio.
I did find mention of availability zones in (Logic for "Distribute VMs across Availability Zones" – Nerdio Help Center), the distribution is an upcoming feature, Will we be able to select as well?
Thinking about the script as well, functionality to select a resource for a runbook so re-use is not a new script but instead a variable we could pass would also be nice.
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