Vulnerability Management for Defender for Endpoint

Vulnerability Management for Defender for Endpoint

Nerdio Manager provides a MSP-level, per-vulnerability overview of vulnerabilities detected by Defender for Endpoint in the customers' environments. It allows you to search, sort, and filter the list of vulnerabilities. In addition, you can view a vulnerability's details such as exposed devices and affected software.

To view the Vulnerabilities Report:

  1. At the MSP-level, navigate to ReportsVulnerabilities.

  2. Optionally, you may perform any of the following:

    • Search the list by vulnerability name.

    • Sort the list by any of the columns.

    • Select the Filter icon to create or reset a filter.

  3. For any vulnerability, select Properties to see its details.

Vulnerability Properties Deep Dive

Details Tab

The Details tab shows the details of the vulnerability.

Exposed Devices Tab

The Exposed Devices tab shows the devices that are exposed to the vulnerability.

  • For any device, select Open Device Page to open the device page for the selected device.

Affected Software Tab

The Affected Software tab shows the software affected by the vulnerability.

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