Overview of Desktop Images for Cloud PC
The Desktop Images module allows you to manage desktop images in your Nerdio Manager customer accounts. This article describes how to use the module for creating and managing images for Cloud PCs. Please refer to Overview of Desktop Images for additional details.
To create a Cloud PC for a user, Microsoft needs a template to create the Cloud PC from. This template is called a desktop image. It must be specified in a Cloud PC Provisioning policy. Every provisioning policy brings together a Network Connection and, optionally a group, so that Microsoft knows how to AD-join a Cloud PC that it is provisioning from the desktop image.
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Create Cloud PC-ready Desktop Images
Nerdio Manager allows you can create desktop images that are used only for AVD desktops or for both AVD desktops and Cloud PCs.
When you add a desktop image, either from an Azure VM or from the Azure library, you must select the Enable for Cloud PCs option.
Alternatively, for an existing desktop image that is not yet enabled for Cloud PC, from the action menu, select Enable Cloud PC.
Note: The process of enabling a desktop image to be a Cloud PC-ready image is fairly complicated and time consuming. It takes a considerable amount of time to upload the Cloud PC image to Intune and make it available to Microsoft to use for Cloud PCs.
Remove a Desktop Image's Cloud PC Readiness
You can remove the desktop image's Cloud PC readiness. For an existing desktop image that is enabled for Cloud PC, from the action menu, select Disable Cloud PC.
Note: Disabling Cloud PC, or deleting the desktop image, does not remove the image from Intune.
Manage Cloud PC Desktop Images
After updating a desktop image to the latest version of Windows, or performing similar tasks, you must Power off and set as image to bake in the latest changes to the desktop image. For Cloud PC-ready images, Nerdio Manager uploads a new version of the desktop image to Intune and displays the updated version number of the image. For example shown below, you can see that the version number for the image is v2.0.0.
A Cloud PC-ready desktop image functions similar to the traditional AVD-only desktop image. Please refer to Overview of Desktop Images for additional details.
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