Administer Cloud PCs

Administer Cloud PCs

Warning: Nerdio Manager does not install the BgInfo Azure extension during any automation or management process. However, the BgInfo extension may be installed either through a scripted action directly, or unintentionally, as stated in the Azure PowerShell module issues report.

Once a Cloud PC is provisioned, Nerdio Manager allows you to administer it.

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To administer a Cloud PC:

  1. At the Account level, navigate to Users.

  2. Locate the user with a Cloud PC you wish to work with.

  3. From the action menu, select one of the following:

    • Restart: Select this option to restart the Cloud PC.

      Note: This is generally fast to complete. You can monitor the task's progress in the Users Tasks section.

    • Reprovision: Select this option to reprovision the Cloud PC from scratch.

      Note: The cloud PC is reset back to how it was when it was first provisioned for the user. This takes a substantial amount of time. You can monitor the task's progress in the Users Tasks section.

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