Overview of Account Management
Nerdio Manager allows MSPs to manage customer accounts. This includes changing the account name or logo, viewing the account logs, or adding notes.
Manage an Account
Once an account has been created, MSPs may manage the account.
To manage an account:
At the MSP level, select Accounts.
Locate the account you wish to manage.
From the action menu, select the desired action.
Logs allows you to view the account's logs.
Notes allows you to add notes as needed.
Note: You can have a maximum of 4000 characters in the notes. The text format can be alphanumeric (lower /upper case alphabets, numbers) or special characters.
Change name
Change name allows you to change the account name as needed.
Set IUL allows you to set the account as an Internal Use License (IUL). See What Is an Internal Use License (IUL)? for details.
Enable limited access
Enable limited access allows you to switch the account to what's called a Limited Access mode to restrict permissions granted to the Nerdio Manager enterprise app in the customer's Azure tenant.
Note: Accounts in limited access mode have reduced functionality. For example, Users & Group management is not available. In addition, accounts in limited access mode do not have access to all the Intune Device Management features. See Overview of Intune Device Management for details.
Warning: This is an irreversible operation.
Destroy allows you to destroy an account. This action only removes the account record from the Nerdio Manager database. It does not make any changes to the customer's Azure environment. You need to manually remove any resources that are left behind.
Upload Logo
Upload Logo allows you to upload the account's logo.
Reset Logo
Reset Logo allows you to reset the account's logo to this:
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