How Can I Participate in the Nerdio Community Forum?
Ask questions, share ideas, and provide answers to other users' questions, in the Nerdio community.
Tip: For an exhaustive guide on how to work with the community, see Getting around the community.
How Is the Community Forum Organized?
The posts you make in the Nerdio community must be associated with specific topics. Such content organization allows you to browse the topic of your interest and check for any relevant posts there.
Specifically, the community structure is organized as follows:
Topics: Parent items that group posts based common subjects.
Posts: Topic child items that provide queries or suggest ideas.
Comments: Active users' reflections on specific posts to provide answers or clarify ideas.
How Do I Search the Existing Posts?
Before you post to the Nerdio community, run a quick search to see if the question has already been asked and answered in the community.
You can skim the existing topics and posts from their respective pages, or use a global search to search the entire Nerdio knowledge base.
Within topics, you can view all the associated posts or sort them by newest: posts, recent activity, votes, or comments.
When using a global search, you can choose to filter the search results by type. To learn more, see Global Search Details.
Note: If your search query appears in comments to community posts or knowledge base articles, these articles are also included in search results.
Using a global search lets you choose to search the entire knowledge base, including feature articles in your search results, or search the community posts only.
To display the filtering options for your search results:
In the search box, enter your search query.
Press Enter on your keyboard, and then select the type of content to include.
When using a global search, you can search for articles that:
Include all the words you specify: Use double quotes (") around each word to find articles with all those words, for example, "AVD" "FSLogix". Articles that don't include all of the specified words are excluded from the search results.
Ensure you use double quotes (") and not single quotes ('). Single quotes are ignored and provide regular search results for all the specified words separately.
Use spaces between the words you specify. Otherwise, these words are treated as a single query.
Include a specific expression: Use double quotes (") around the entire expression to find articles that contain that expression and not individual words, for example, "AVD default apps".
Exclude a specific word: Use the minus operator (-) in front of a word to exclude references with that specific word. For example, the search for scripts -runbooks returns articles containing the word script(s), but excludes the articles with the word runbooks.
Include and exclude specific words or expressions within one search query: This is especially useful for advanced and more restrictive search results, when you want to find content with specific expressions but at the same time exclude certain references. For example, "scripted actions" -runbooks returns articles containing the expression scripted actions, but excludes the articles with the word runbooks.
How Do I Make Posts in the Community?
Add posts to share ideas or ask questions.
You can view community posts anonymously. However, to be able to make posts, you need to be signed in.
Before you add a new post, ensure you search the existing posts to verify that the question has not been asked and answered yet.
To make a community post:
In the upper left of the side menu, navigate to Community.
Select New post, and then provide the following details:
Title: Provide a meaningful title for your post.
Details: Enter your question, idea, or tip.
For longer posts, hover over the indicator in the bottom-right corner of the Details box. When your arrow becomes two headed, drag it to the bottom to extend the box.
Use the toolbar options to format your text, add images, code blocks, or links.
@mention other active users. Once a user is mentioned, they receive an email notification and automatically start following your post. You cannot @mention users if their public profiles are not enabled, or they have not submitted or commented posts in the Nerdio community yet.
Topic: From the drop down, select a topic that your post is related to.
Select Submit.
Ensure that the file size of images you add to your post are a maximum of 2MB.
If the images are added to a restricted topic, the users following that topic will be able to see those images in the email notifications for seven days only.
How Do I Follow Topics, Posts, or Users?
You can follow specific topics and posts in the Nerdio community, or active users that post to this community. This lets you receive email notifications when new posts are added to the topic you are following, your followed posts are commented on, or when the user you are following makes a post or comment.
When you create a community post, or comment on an existing post, you are automatically subscribed to follow that post.
You are not notified when updates are made to the body of a post or comment.
To follow a topic, post, or user:
Topic: Go to Community > Topics, and then select the topic you want to follow. Under the topic title, select one of the following:
Follow > New posts: To receive email notifications for new posts within that topic.
Follow > New posts and comments: To receive email notifications for all new posts in the topic, and any new comments on those posts.
Post: Search for the post you want to follow. You can also find the necessary post from the Topics page. Under the post title, select Follow.
User: Search for any post of the user that you want to follow. Select the user's name, and then in the user community profile page, in the bottom-right corner, select Follow > New posts or Follow > New posts and comments.
To unfollow a topic, post, or user:
Topic: Under the title of the topic you are following, select Following > Unfollow.
Post: Under the title of the post you are following, select Unfollow.
User: Search for any post of the user that you want to unfollow. Select the user's name, and then in the user community profile page, in the bottom-right corner, select Following > Unfollow.
Note: You can stop following topics, posts, or users at any time.
How Do I Comment on Posts?
Commenting on posts lets you provide answers to existing queries, tips, or solutions.
To be able to comment on posts, you must be signed in.
When you comment on an existing post, you are automatically subscribed to follow that post.
To comment on a post:
Select the post you want to comment on.
Scroll down to the bottom of the post, and then in the Comments box, enter your comment.
Use the toolbar options to format your text, add images, code blocks, or links.
Tip: For longer comments, hover over the indicator in the bottom-right corner of the Comments box. When your arrow becomes two headed, drag it to the bottom to extend the box.
Select Submit.
Note: You cannot comment on posts that are closed for comments. For example, admins can restrict the commenting option for specific posts, if necessary.
How Do I Vote for Posts and Comments?
You can vote for a specific post or comment to emphasize its importance.
To vote for a post, under the post, select the Thumb up
To vote for a comment, next to that comment, select the Up
Note: To be able to vote for posts or comments, you must be signed in.
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